A restaurant (fr. restaurer means to restore, renew) is a restaurant with a high level of service, offering ready-made food and drinks to order. Here it is represented different kinds of meals. They consists of different dining tables and rooms for the guests. Restaurant differ both its architecturalarchitectural appearance and interior. Canteens called restaurants first appeared in France in the 18th century. in 1765 , first restaurant established in Paris, serves Bulanje (Boulanger) soup. According to our knowledge, the restaurant in question (where patrons do not dine at individual tables, but rather select dishes from a menu, and operating hours according to established regulations) started its operations in 1782, initially called as Beauvilliers.
Subsequently, establishments bearing identical names proliferate throughout all nations globally. In addition to indigenous culinary offerings, this establishment also serves meals from other international cuisines.
apartment 7, Badamdar highway, Sabail district, Baku city